Tuesday, April 21, 2009


We have entered the world of sports!
I absolutely love it. I never thought I would feel that way. I don't think I got this excited over ballet. Harrison is doing so well. He had his first t-ball game last weekend. It was fun to watch the kids get excited running the bases and watching every parent cheer on each kid up to bat. Everyone seemed to cheer more for the kids who it took 10 swings to actually hit the ball.
I love that feeling of encouragement and hope. Too bad somewhere in the next years to come sports change. We go from cheering for the underdog and complete encouragement to competition and the drive to be the best. I know there is a need in life for that, but I don't think we have to loose the fun in the sport where it is not about who is the best but simply about fun.
I am looking forward to the season and seeing my boy enjoy being a baseball player! Besides the fact I think he is simply scrumptious in his uniform!

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