Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I blew it!

I had a really rotten day today. Work was terrible. I sat in traffic for an hour and a half in the pouring down rain. I got home and blew it with my family. Paul went to work.
I blew it with the kids again.
I am sorry to my husband and my children.
I reacted poorly to everything tonight.
I managed to get the children in bed without killing them...That is a plus!
Then I took a long hot bath and read - yes, you heard right...I can read.

I am in the middle of Waking the Dead by John Eldridge.
It is exactly what I needed to read. The book is a lot about freeing your heart and really learning to experience God. He talks a lot about spiritual warfare and realizing that we are in a constant battle for our heart. The enemy wants nothing more than to destroy our heart. Our heart of course is at the middle of everything. Without it we are hopeless and doomed.
Satan did a number on me today and I was losing the battle for my heart.
But God rescued me once again and reminded me that my heart belongs only to HIM!
I pray that it doesn't take me as long to realize next time. I know that Satan wants to destroy me, and my family. He does not want to see us happy and loving to our children.
So he will continue to whisper lies and send me tough stuff during the day.

Lord, please protect my heart and my family. We are doing what we think is right for our children. Give me patience and endurance. Give Paul and I strength and some time together.

If anyone out there reads this blog...Please pray for us.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Here are a few pictures from our snow this past weekend. The kids enjoyed their first real snow experience. Harrison loved eating the snow and Julia made snow angels.

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